Advocacy Letters

Nursing Advocacy Letters and Emails| Writers

We can develop for you a unique nursing advocacy letter or legislative fact sheet that is different from those that flood the congress members’ inboxes daily.

Advocacy dates back to the days of Florence Nightingale, and is an indispensable nursing role because it offers healthcare providers with an opportunity to make significant changes in the profession.

The modern complex healthcare system is riddled with financial pressure, increased focus on quality and patient safety, technological advancements, looming workforce shortage, and growing prevalence of chronic illnesses as a result of a rise in the aging population.

Nurses provide care at the bedside and are the largest healthcare workforce, which makes them essential advocates and agents of change.

Advocacy requires nurses to work with formal decision-making bodies such as a commission, state legislature, or other healthcare groups at the system’s policy level.

Nurses can advocate using:

  • Letters to government officials,
  • Letters to the Editor.

At Panoply Statements Writing, we can develop for you exemplary nursing advocacy letters and legislative fact sheets aimed at seeking a change in laws, regulations, policies, product standards, and institutional practices that affect the health of millions of individuals. Contact Us via live chat and let us know how we can help.

A nurse with a public address system lobbying in the streets.
A person in a conference holding a microphone.
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Nursing Advocacy Letter to Government Officials/ Members of Congress

Advocacy is an essential practice in nursing, and the majority of nursing organizations support the process at the local, state, or federal level.
Based on Gallup’s annual honesty and ethics survey, nursing is the most trusted profession, which is a testament to the healthcare providers’ instinctive nature to advocate for patients.
One way that nurses can advocate for factors such as, but not limited to, the nursing scope of practice, safe staffing, workplace violence, and patient safety is through nursing advocacy letters.

On ordering a nursing advocacy letter from us, our experts ensure that your advocacy letter is:

The characteristics of a good advocacy letter. An advocacy letter should be direct, factual, helpful, informative, constructive, appreciative, and inquiring.

Writing an Exemplary Advocacy Letter

Congress members receive numerous emails and letters daily, which begs the question: How can you make your message stand out?

At Panoply Statements Writing, we have developed unique advocacy letters on topics such as reducing gun violence, nursing shortage, appropriate staffing, workplace health and safety, environmental health, and other general issues.

When developing an advocacy letter:

  • We state the subject in the first sentence of the letter.
  • Include facts on the impact of the issue.
  • Avoid personal attacks, demands, or threats in the content.
  • Support your views with expert knowledge and cite bill numbers to legislation if relevant.
  • Offer recommendations for the issue of concern.
  • Thank the congress member for their attention.
  • Request for the policymaker’s point of view/ feedback.
  • Personalize the issue.
  • Ensure the length does not exceed 500 words.

Nursing Advocacy Letter Template >>

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Nursing advocacy letter template to a legislator, congress member, or senator

Advocating for Nurses and Nursing

A professionally written nursing advocacy letter and legislative fact sheet to your member of congress increases your probability of making a positive impact on nurses and the nursing profession. We can develop a nursing advocacy letter on issues such as, but not limited to safe staffing, education funding for nurses, workplace violence, gun violence, the opioid epidemic. We use data from government, state, and nursing organizations’ websites to support the argument presented. Order your nursing advocacy letter and influence change in social justice or the profession.

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